The Day we brought Avry home
5lbs 7oz of pure sweetness!
18lbs of love!
Avry's 2nd Birthday.....
25lbs of stinker!

Tomorrow my sweet angel turns 3. How time can fly! Every year, I try to write something special in my kids baby book. Since I am blogging now, I thought I would share!

25lbs of stinker!

Tomorrow my sweet angel turns 3. How time can fly! Every year, I try to write something special in my kids baby book. Since I am blogging now, I thought I would share!
My precious Avry,
Today you are turning 3. A whole 3 years old. What a beautiful blessing you are to us. We had no idea how much you would change our lives when you came into the world. You and I had a rocky start together, but we made it through and you have become one of my best friends, along with your daddy and Coen.
My favorite thing about you this last year has been how much you have embraced your new brother, Coen. You love to hold him and feed him and play with him endlessly. You even let him take a bath with you. My next favorite thing is how jealous you are when I kiss YOUR daddy!! Avry, you are a precious little girl!
This year, you have learned how to potty on the big girl potty and don't even have accident's at night anymore. You can count to 10 and say your "ABCDEFG's." Your best friends are Ariah and Breanna from Ms. Crystal's house and Jadan. You love to sing songs, watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and pray. You are always praying for someone special. You take extra special care of your baby dolls and love to cook in your kitchen and ride your "motorcycle" or tricycle.
Other big events this year have included riding a "choo-choo train" to go see Santa claus, ridign on an airplane to see your cousin's in Ohio and being a flower girl in Aunt Abbey's wedding. This year, you also spent the night with Mimi and Granna for almost a week each. You love them both very much.
The next year will hold big things for you Little. You are going to start preschool at SuperKids and do swimming lessons and music class all by yourself. We are so excited to see how you grow over the next year. We love to see the light in your eyes when you have discovered something new. You truly bring joy to our lives and we love you every minute of every day!
Happy 3rd Birthday Little!
Mommy and Daddy