Thursday, July 15, 2010

What's up???????

I have no pictures.....does that make me a bad mom? :)

Ok, I have pictures, but we dont' have a computer......does that make me nuts? (YES!!!)

Recap of the last 12 months.......

Abbey got married
I got pregnant
Coen got really sick and had a hospital stay
Coen got tubes and his adnoids out
My papa passed away
My granny passed away
Abbey got pregnant
Coen had a couple of asthma attacks
Christmas---Hallelujah 2 weeks off!!!!
Evie graced us with her presence on March 11, 2010 after a perfect, normal, full term pregnancy

Got a teaching job in Dumas.....wait.....what was that??????

That is where we are now, I took a teaching job in Dumas 2 weeks ago, we threw our house on the market and we are moving. Life is absolutely crazy!!! We are moving, changing jobs, packing our house, driving back and forth between here and there......and waiting on our nephew Bray to be born!!!

I have always wanted to be a teacher, it is finally happening! FINALLY! Lubbock has been good to us for the past 10 years, but it is time for a change. We are going to be closer to family (to help with our 3 very small children), be making better money, having a little more time together as a husband and wife (not just mommy and daddy) and most of all--get back to a small town life and enjoy raising our kids in a small town!

Greg and I are very excited about our move, as are the kids. Who knows? Maybe with summer's off I might blog more :)