Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Lake!

Avry touching a real fish! GROSS

Chillin on the beach with Uncle David and George
Riding the Jet Ski with Dad

Eatin Cheeto's and lookin cool on the boat!

Holy Cow! What have I gotten myself into? In just a few short days, I am going back to school to get my teacher certification. This summer will be a whirlwind of events from me. I have school, vacations, birthday's, TeXes exit exam, finding a job etc. I am so thankfull that I am going to be able to finally teach. This is something that I have wanted to do since I was a little girl and I am whole heartedly into it. I can not wait to get in the classroom!

On another note, we went to the lake (Lake Meredith) this weekend with my family for the long weekend. We had so much fun. Avry touched a real live fish that little David caught! Coen and Avry both are sunburned (so are we) and I feel like a horrible mother for letting them burn. I did put sunscreen on them-often-and they still burned! Those are the pics above.
We leave in just 2 weeks for Ohio to go to Greg's cousin's wedding. We will fly out of Lubbock with Greg's whole family and then into Nashville and then onto Canton. We really don't have definite plans while we are there. Wedding is on Saturday though! I really hope that we will be going to either Cleveland or Cincinnati to the Zoo! I am just excited to go on vacation-and a big plus is that I love Greg's family, so we will have a blast!
Have a good week!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My babies

Just some pics, and a few thoughts.....
Coen's first taste of a chocolate spoon.
Coen just a few day's old-he is now 9months! How time flies!

Jadan, with Abbey and Cruz in the background.

Abbey and my soon to be brother in law, Cruz.

Wow! How time flies! Not too long ago I was taking my 3rd pregnancy test just 2 1/2 months after being married and it was positive...just like the first 2! Just yesterday I was sitting in Dr. Owen's office anxiously waiting to hear our new bundle of joy's heartbeat for the first time. Then, came bedrest and later a 10 day hospital stay and just a few seconds later the birth of a beautiful baby girl, who had a few complications upon her arrival but was the most precious little bundle of joy. She always was a little ball of fire-very outgoing and head strong. That little bundle is now potty trained, sleeps all night, can dress herself and can practically give herself a bath. That little bundle, my sweet Avry, my little lefty, is going to be 3 in just a few weeks! I can't beleive it!
Then there is Coen, who I am pretty sure was conceived, created wonderfully and fearfully made, and born all in a matter of moments. I think about my pregnancy, which was not fun at all, but I would do it all again-in a heartbeat! The day that we had the "big ultrasound" was a great day for us. God was blessing us with a son, one of very few in my family...ok the only one in my immediate family! We knew right away we would name him Coen James. He is my little Prince. Now, just 9 short months later, he is crawling and pulling up on everything. He eat's babyfood and some tablefood and he still wakes up to nurse during the night!! I will take it though, I might not ever have those moments with an infant again. Those sweet moments in the middle of the night when I am his world-I am all he needs! I love my babies!
The other pics are my sister's engagement pics. She is getting married at the end of July! We are thrilled for her. Can't wait for her to start her life with Cruz and Jadan!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Avry playing Dress-up. Coen's new-d0!
Easter outfits

Avry loves her sandbox so much she hugs the sand!

Coen and his first chocolate spoon!

First-Holy Cow it is May! Where have the last 9 months gone? Speaking of 9 months, Coen will be 9 months old in just a few short days. He is crawling, eating 3 meals a day and still nursing like a champ! Since he got tubes 4 weeks ago, he has flourished into such a happy smart little thing! I estimate that he will walk before he turns one, he stood by himself the other day for just a few seconds. Amazing! Avry has started talking all the time, she is asking questions-and she wants real answers to those questions. Alot of her questions are about Jesus and Why? questions. She is really loving staying with Ms.Crystal-even though a kid asked her to smoke a cigarette the other We have been very blessed with a fabulous babysitter.
This summer is going to be a whirlwind of activity for us. First, I am hopefully going to start back to school on June 3rd to get my teaching certificate. If I can pass my TeXes test this summer, I can teach in the fall! We will be flying to Ohio with Greg's family in June, and then as soon as we come back I have my sister's wedding shower/jadan's 7th birthday (I know 7!!!). Then both kids have birthdays just in time for my sister to get married at the end of July. I am really excited for her wedding-It will be ton's o' fun! Then comes August, when I will hopefully begin teaching and be able to quit my current job. I like my job, but it isn't fulfilling-its just a job-I need some fullfillment in my life! Avry will start pre-k at Superkids in September. That will be a huge milestone for momma! She is going to be 3! Wasn't she born just yesterday?
I am home sick with a cold-so I should be resting. I am very much enjoying the quiet around my house. I highly doubt I can stay in bed all day-which is what Greg would like for me to do, any rest is more than I have been getting though!