Tuesday, February 24, 2009

we're still here!!

We are still alive! We have had a busy busy couple of weeks. Our kids have both been so sick, ears, throat, bronchitis, sinus-all of it. I think we are on the mend. Coen is sitting up mostly on his own now. He is doing so well considering his preemie-ness (was that a word?). Avry has found a new love for Kindermusic. We are taking her every week to a mommy and me class. Music class is a great chance for her to have some social interaction not at the sitter's house. She loves the class-she has been singing songs from class, one is called Roll Over Rover. She sings it almost perfect minus that she can't quite get out the Roll Over Rover part in one try. Greg and I are just trucking along working, chasing kids, chasing our families. We keep really busy. We still haven't found a church, we tried Sunset last week and it just seemed so huge! We know that God will see us through and eventually we will find one! Patience is the key there.
Yesterday I was thinking that this time last year, I was having my first u/s to check on Coen. It is amazing how fast this year has gone. He is a whole 6 months old already and is sitting, eating baby food, talking all the time! I am so crazy about that little guy! (and his sister too). Avry joined me at the grocery store last night where I let her push a kid sized basket around. She was hilarious-we might have raced our baskets down a couple of isles and when I got home last night, I found a few items that I didn't know she had thrown in-the best was a big bag of chocolate donuts! Sneaky little girl!
We are starting to look at houses a little bit. We still don't want to move for another year or so, but we are getting an idea of what we can afford, and exactly what we want. Hopefully we will get to build a house-unless the right one comes along. Lord knows we are running out of space-we need more space!!
I guess that is all the McClellands have for now!

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