Tuesday, August 11, 2009

God's plan

As I have been pondering how God's plan messed up mine.....which is really a stupid idea, b/c my plan should always be God's plan!, I have been thinking of all the things that I am looking forward too this year. So, for the school year, here is my list of things that are coming.

1. Meeting baby Mac #3.
2. Avry's first day of Pre-school and all her preschool activities.
3. growing a huge belly and feeling baby Mac #3 move inside me
4. A new house!
5. The look in my children's eyes when they see their new brother/sister for the first time.
6. Decorating a nursery again, pulling out all the teeny tiny baby cloths we have saved.
7. Moving.....I am really excited about this
8. Christmas time, Thanksgiving, turning 28.
9. My nieces' ballet recital at the end of the year.
10. Going to my 10 yr high school reunion

And my next list, reason's why God's plan is working out alright afterall.....
1. I didn't get a teaching job for the fall
2. We will only have to pay for daycare for 3 for 1 yr.
3. Now is the perfect time to sell our house, the market is good
4. This might sound stupid, but we have 5 chairs sitting around our kitchen table....
5. My blog is called the McClelland 5....ironic????
6. I have a good job, Greg has a good job.
7. We finally found a church home, that we are super happy about.
8. Greg and I both got raises....
9. We own a mini-van....lol
10. God's plan's always work out......that is the most important!!!

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