Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our big suprise!

I have missed a few important posts, like Abbey's wedding and the kid's b-day parties, but we need to share our most important news:

Meet Baby McClelland number 3, due in March 2009. Completly a shock to us, we had not a clue that this would even be possible.
The story:
I went in for my yearly appointment with Dr. Owen on July 13th. During that appointment, she said that we needed to think about long term birth control for me since I REALLY did not want another baby. We decided very quickly that the Implanon implant in my arm was the best for me since I can't take estrogen (it makes me sick). So, she put one in. Went to Abbey's wedding, came home. Monday after I got back from the wedding, I started getting really nausious. I thought it might have been something I ate of course. Well, it kept getting worse and was not going away. By Friday, I was telling Greg that something was wrong with me and I really needed to go to the dr. So, thinking it might be a side effect of the Implanon, I started researching it on the internet. Sure enough it was. I thought it would go away with some R&R over the weekend. NOPE! Monday rolled around and I decided I better call Dr. Owen, who told me that it was a side effect and that I should take a test if I was worried about being pregnat. Well, Greg agreed that I should-b/c I was acting weird....LOL
Took a test and it was very quickly positive. I called Dr. Owen Tuesday morning and they got me in right away. Dr Owen and Rhonda had to pick themselves up off the floor. I got pregnant on birth control and while breastfeeding AND well there is another AND-but I will keep that one to myself.
Anway, I had a blood test yesterday and my HCG levels were through the roof. We also had an ultrasound yesterday morning and got to see little peanut. It has a heartbeat of 143 right now and is perfectly happy growing in its little cave in my belly!
Needless to say, we are shocked, very shocked, but extremly excited. Avry has requested a sister and Greg wants another boy. I don't think I care, but we aren't going to find out what it is until its born! I absolutely can't wait to meet my 3rd blonde haired, blue eyed beauty!

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