Tuesday, April 3, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, Abbey and I went to see Mandisa and Laura Story. Let me say- Mandisa can rock it! I love Laura Story!!! She sings a song called "Blessings," and it totally makes me think of those days when our struggles are so much.
My favorite words are : "cause what if our blessings come through raindrops, what if our healing comes through tears, what if a 1000 sleepless nights are what it takes to knows your near."
This song just speaks to me lately, I love it!

Avry got glasses last week, she looks so cute! The eye dr. told us that her eyes looked very evident of her prematurity at birth. She has some issues that have risen over the past few months that we will be working on. He feels like the glasses will help strengthen her eyes! Blessing!

Coen is just going right along with life. He is a very smart 3 year old and has been calling me his "princess" That makes momma's heart so happy!

Evie is just Evie. We are trucking right along with all her therapist and her ECI provider. We see a Developmental Pediatrician on Thursday morning to hopefully get some sort of diagnosis- which will help us proceed in proper placement when she turns 3. She continues to amaze me every single day. She loves her babies and LOVES books! I am so sure she is going to be a great reader someday. She again is a fabulous blessing to us.

Then there is this amazing man that I call my husband. He is the greatest thing ever! He takes on so much responsibility with the kids and especially our therapists. I love him sooo much!

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