A year ago right now, I was scared out of my mind that I was pregnant again......again.....EEK. 6 1/2 months ago, this perfect angel came into our lives. On the Sunday before Evie was born, I started having contractions.....real ones....and they hurt. I hadn't ever had contractions before, and I honestly don't care to have them again. Monday my mom came down, Tuesday she got sick and ended up in the hospital. (still having contractions by the way) Thursday....oh yes Thursday March 11, 2010. I woke up and had an appointment with Dr. Owen, I decided I wasn't going to eat breakfast just in case she decided I needed to be delivered. Afterall, I was STILL having contractions!!! So, I visited Dr. Owen, and yes, I was going into labor.....and quickly...so here came Evie.
Evie graced us with her presence at 2:11 PM weighing 7. 11 oz, she had a full head of hair and beautiful features. SHE WAS HEALTHY!!! I got a healthy baby!!! Dr. Owen again had made a good call on delivery. Evie was breech, big and my uterus was stretched to its max. If I had of gone farther into labor, it could have been a very scary situation. God always has a plan
Evie has been the most wonderful addition to our family. I am so glad that God chose us to be her parents (and siblings).
Having 3 kids under the age of 4 has been nothing short of interesting, but I wouldn't change it for the world!
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