Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Quick version- Went to Dumas opened presents, mom got pneumonia, went to Amarillo-opened presents, came home -santa came, went to Odessa-opened more presents, sister got ENGAGED, Coen got sick. Came back to Lubbock-praise the LORD! Whew!
What a relief it is to be back home! Christmas time is crazy for our little family. We spend who like around 10 hours in the car traveling to see all our families. Dumas-home-Odessa-home...crazy!
Avry was very excited about Christmas this year. She kept asking to open more presents. She got a bean bag chair, lots of little people, a mini trampoline and an art easel, and a camera! She was a little bit freaked out by Santa leaving her toys on Christmas morning though. She couldn't figure out how they got there- I guess she is still too little for the magic part of Santa!

Coen managed to sleep through Christmas all 4 times we had it! He did roll over front to back sometime during the whole Christmas thing! He is getting so big-12lbs and almost 24in. long!
This year Greg and I have had 2 weeks off for the holidays. It has been so nice! We have slept in, laid around, ran errands and played with our kid's!
I hope everyone has been as blessed as we have this Christmas season!

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